Cellular Release Therapy
Everything that happens to us, including stressful and traumatic events, is stored in the subconscious, our body and our energy field and can't be released using our conscious minds. Cellular Release Therapy®(CRT®) releases this "junk" so we can let go of it once and for all.
Popular and amazingly-effective topics include:
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) – These are stressful or traumatic events, including abuse and neglect. They may also include witnessing domestic violence or growing up with family members who have substance use disorders. We are also conditioned in childhood via many sources to hide our real feelings, to suppress them, and sometimes to medicate them with food, alcohol, self-mutilation, and other compulsive behaviors. ACEs are strongly related to the development and prevalence of a wide range of health problems throughout a person’s lifespan, including those associated with substance misuse. Researchers have found strong relationships between childhood traumas and many disease processes, including heart disease, cancer, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, autoimmune diseases, and more.
Chronic pain – is often a clear signal that our sympathetic nervous system is overly activated. When our sympathetic nervous systems are in an ‘on’ mode most of the time, we are releasing adrenaline, norepinephrine and catecholamines – all neurotransmitters that heavily influence and increase our perception of pain. By clearing the trauma or triggers that keep us in the fight or flight mode, the body and mind are able to shift back into a more balanced state.
Relationship issues – our relationships with people, whether a source of love or of conflict, are reflections of our own inner dynamics. In other words, how we are reacting and relating to the world is a mirror of our relationship with ourselves and will always be the energetic template on which every outer relationship is based. This means that the experiences we have interacting with family, friends, significant others, colleagues, and even complete strangers provide valuable clues as to what needs to be healed within our own subconscious.
Weight Loss and Eating Issues – There are many people who struggle with their body image and finding a healthy relationship with food. So many have tried numerous diets, fitness plans, programs, surgeries, mental strategies, and behavioral strategies in order to lose weight and have the body that we think is acceptable, will be loved, or looks good naked. Eating issues and weight issues usually are the outward symptoms of deep issues that require a lot of trauma clearing, as people tend to accumulate extra weight on their bodies as protection, and often as a part of a pattern of sabotaging or punishing oneself for perceived misdeeds. For many, losing weight is doable but once the weight goal is reached the weight is quickly put back on because the underlying beliefs about our bodies have not been addressed. All of our failed attempts to lose weight and keep it off create more and more feelings of discouragement, self-hatred, shame, fear, and despair. Often when people have long standing weight and eating issues, there are many experiences of eating too much or too little, shaming themselves in some way, talking negatively to themselves, thinking that they are bad or not good enough, and other experiences like this. Feelings of shame, guilt, anxiety, grief, and self-hatred are very helpful to clear. Eating too much is suppressive and comforting, very much like an addiction. The habits and patterns of doing this can be cleared, as well as the trauma that is causing the need for this habit and pattern. When all of this has been addressed, it becomes much easier for people to adopt healthier lifestyles that result in a healthy weight.
Addictions – Addictions of any kind are always an attempt to numb oneself, fill the emptiness, and manage deeply painful feelings. The question to be asked with any addiction is “Where is the pain”? Drugs and alcohol, like food, are very suppressive or numbing, and this suppression is a temporary relief from the pain. People with addictions have not learned other ways to manage anxiety, stress, grief, fear, or anger – basically how to feel and deal with painful feelings – and it's critical to their recovery to learn how to meet their needs and feel their feelings without the use of the substance or behavior. Commonly the causes of addiction are childhood trauma, abuse, or neglect, and these experiences and all resultant feelings, beliefs, and blame and punishment of oneself and others can be cleared. Once all of the trauma is cleared, habits and patterns and all need to use the substance or behavior to manage the feelings can be cleared as well. It is important to understand that addictions are not a moral issue, they are an energy issue. Addictions are a coping mechanism used to relieve pain.
CRT is also beneficial for the people who have been supporting the person with the addiction, as the caregivers of addicts have their own painful experiences and patterns of behavior, such as codependency, that can be resolved.
Life Issues/Limiting Beliefs – Many people have a sense that a common theme is playing out through their lives. Whether it is a pattern of thinking or a belief system. For example, these can be trust issues, abandonment issues, loneliness, control issues, anxiety, shame or feeling unsafe. They can show up as fears and limiting beliefs, such as fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of abandonment, not feeling good enough, etc. This theme, these issues or these feelings seem to follow them and continuously crop up in their lives. These themes are the result of experiences we have had that have led to patterns of thinking and belief systems that now form the basis of our operating platform – how we interface with the world. Often these issues/belief systems/patterns of thinking are what gives rise to further similar experiences and we eventually feel stuck in a rut or an endless loop, unable to move forward. Cellular Release Therapy® is a powerful technique to address this because these patterns of thinking and belief systems have been formed in the subconscious and that is the easiest place to address and clear them.
Traumatic Life experiences, including PTSD – Cellular Release Therapy® is not used for memory recall and allows you to clear residual charge from even the most difficult experiences without having to relive the experience. This makes CRT an especially powerful technique for clients with PTSD.
Physical Conditions & ailments (dis-ease)– Cellular Release Therapy® can be described or characterized very simply as “stress reduction and relaxation techniques,” and this allows the body a much better internal environment and opportunity to heal. When we are able to shift ourselves out of the constant need to react and protect (the sympathetic response) and into the parasympathetic response, our bodies and minds are able to attend to bringing our internal environment back into balance.
What happens in a session:
The first CRT® session is always an assessment of life events, issues, relationships, and what the client specifically identifies as topics that they would like to resolve. The second session is when we will get started on clearing and releasing what the client would like to resolve. Subsequent sessions involve updating the facilitator on what the client has noticed between sessions and what new things they would like addressed, followed by more clearing.
At the start of a CRT® session, I will take you into a deeply relaxed state. In this deeply relaxed state, your subconscious mind is more active than your conscious mind,it is in this state that you are able to release, whatever it is that you want to clear.
How many sessions are necessary:
Depending on what you would like to release it may take 1 to many sessions. Most people have many things they would like to clear, so several sessions are necessary. Also know that many issues take multiple sessions because all of the underlying causes must be cleared. For example, if you have lost weight many times but can't keep the weight off, we need to work on & clear the underlying issues, same is true for addictions. physical ailments including dis-ease, & relationship issues.
Not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your condition.
What People Are Saying
I had my first CRT session with Melissa last weekend. Melissa made me feel comfortable and safe right away which is so important in any healing session but especially when dealing with trauma. It was amazing how we were able to address this trauma without me having to relive it in any way. I couldn’t believe how energized, grounded, joyful and empowered I felt immediately after the session. These feelings have continued throughout the week. I have also noticed that I have a greater ability to notice when I’m thinking negative thoughts or when I’m about to step into a pattern that no longer serves me. I’m not only noticing when this is about to happen but I’ve been able to make a more empowered choice in the moment. I highly recommend Melissa’s services!
Thank you so much for the CRT session. I have noticed I am more at peace, things that normally bother me aren't, I'm not reacting like I normally do, I am calmer and happier overall. I had what would have normally been a very trying day immediately following our session but yet nothing bothered me, everything just rolled off my back! I am so grateful for you and for CRT. If you have someone that is on the fence feel free to give them my contact info." (during this session the client cleared many specifics unique to them and we did a complete clearing on reasons for being angry)
Wow, I feel amazing since the complete clearing the other day. I just feel so calm and happy. I don't know how to explain it, I just feel really really good! It's amazing that something so simple can have such a profound effect. I feel so elevated and like I can do anything!" (Client cleared many specifics unique to them during the session and we did a complete clearing on reasons for feeling unsafe.